MongoDB Model Documentation

Frontend inspired by Standard Software Documentation Principles. Backend inspired by module-driven application designs, Repository Design Patterns, and Domain Driven Design Patterns. This is my main personal website. This web application is built with Laravel 8, MySQL 8, Laravel Livewire 2, Bootstrap 4, and jQuery 3. The main goal is to provide clear and easy-to-follow documentation for MongoDB-model, a flexible MongoDB framework for the nodeJs application.

  • Client Open Source
  • Service Software Documention Website
  • Date December 12th, 2022

Build a plugin-driven enterprise application that is extremely flexible, extendable, maintainable, testable, and infinitely scalable on all dimensions of the scale cube:

  • x-axis: Cloning.
  • y-axis: Decomposing by service/functionality Challenge
  • z-axis: Splitting by data partition

plugin-driven enterprise application, domain-driven design, bject-Oriented Programming, and Functional Programming

  1. Module-Driven Design Patterns
  2. Plugin-driven design patterns
  3. WordPress Design Patterns
  4. Functional Programming
  5. Object-Oriented Programming
  6. NodeJs Design Patterns
  7. Reactor Design Patterns
User Experience

The end users are developers so the experience is for ease of use, extensibility, flexibility, and exportability.

This is to be simple and clear documentation for the MongoDB Model, the flexible MongoDB framework that is still in the alpha version. There really was nothing challenging about this website. It was just different. There was nothing hard or complex about this website.